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Wilson Eberle
Electrical, Engineering, School of Engineering
Office: EME4257Phone: 250.807.8630
Email: Wilson.Eberle@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Power electronics; High power switching converters; Gate drive techniques
Courses & Teaching
ENGR 558 Power Electronics; ENGR 458 Power Electronics; ENGR 320 Electromechanical Devices; ENGR 499 Engineering Capstone Design Project; APSC 255 Analog and Digital Systems; APSC 172 Engineering Analysis I
Dr. Wilson Eberle joined the School of Engineering at UBC in July 2008. He is a Professor in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Power Electronics.
Energy Systems and Power Electronics Laboratory (ESPEL)
PhD – Electrical Engineering (Queen's University)
MSc – Electrical Engineering (Queen's University)
BSc – Electrical Engineering (Queen's University)
Selected Grants & Awards
Dr. Eberle has received funding for ESPEL from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF), the University of British Columbia and the Kaiser Foundation for Higher Education.